Roman (SecAD) pointed out off-list that we have a created process for
exactly this sort of thing, and so I have proposed a new charter, and it
can be approved by the IESG "without external review".

Thanks Roman and David,

On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 10:51 AM, Warren Kumari <> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 09, 2022 at 12:14 PM, Kazuhiro Somers-Harris <david.
>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I found a typo in the opsawg charter
> Current text:
> > the following pieces of information would the foundation for the
> document
> Proposed text:
> > the following pieces of information would be the foundation for the
> document
> I’ve never authored or edited drafts or charters before so not sure what
> to do to fix this let alone whether it’s even worth it, but I’m happy to
> learn if it’s helpful.
> Good catch — I suspect that mental-autocorrect had just been filling in
> the missing 'be' all of these years...
> I checked, and it seems that there is no easy way to fix nits in charters
> - the tooling views any change as a "let's recharter!", not "Doh, I can't
> type so good..."
> This means that we could:
> 1: recharter
> or
> 2: talk to the tools team and add a feature request to allow fixing nits
> or
> 3: ignore it for now, and fix it next time we recharter.
> I'll ask someone on the tools team how hard it would be to either 1: add a
> "this is just a nit fix" button, or 2: quietly edit the text in the
> database while we all look the other way and pretend we didn't see
> anything. If neither of these is really easy I'd think we should just take
> route 3 (unless anyone objects).
> W
> Thanks,
> David
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