Dear Alex and Greg,

I reviewed draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04 and draft-clemm-opsawg-pam-ipfix-00 and have 
some comments and questions.

Section 3.1 of draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04 
mentions the term "service flow".

I haven't been able to find in any IETF document describing/defining the term. 
I suggest to describe it in the terminology section 2.1 and specify it as an 
IPFIX and YANG element.

Section 3.3 of draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04 specifies an "Unavailability threshold". 
I suggest to specify in Section 3.1 of draft-clemm-opsawg-pam-ipfix-00 
 this as IPFIX element as well.

The "service flow" describes that the SLO metrics are measured between two 
nodes. However in draft-clemm-opsawg-pam-ipfix the SLO metrics are measured and 
export on one node. I would appreciate if you could describe how this 
information is being measured. Presumably by leveraging of probing.

In general I feel that draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04 would benefit of having a 
reference to the Performance Metrics Registry defined in RFC 8911/8912.

I would be interested to understand wherever the authors intend to create a 
draft document describing a service YANG module.

Best wishes

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