On 9/16/07, Ringo Kamens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way that people can donate to help cover your legal fees?
> I'll commit to one US dollar. If half the people who read this message
> did that, it would at least take a small chunk out of that mountain of
> legal fees you're facing. Also, have you talked to the CCC (ccc.de)
> about this? They might be able to help.

Hi Ringo,

thanks for your offer, but I'm able to sort this out on my own.
However, your offer is valid and some kinda Tor Legal Fund (which was
discussed earlier) would make sense. There are still some open cases
(like morphiums's case, a student) which could need monetary help.
However, I'm not a lawyer and I don't know anything about how to set
up such a thing.

It's be easy to set up a Paypal-account, but it'd be not "non-profit",
means someone's got to pay taxes for this.

Any takers?

> Comrade Ringo Kamens


"I am tired of all this sort of thing called science here... We have spent
millions in that sort of thing for the last few years, and it is time it
should be stopped."
 -- Simon Cameron, U.S. Senator, on the Smithsonian Institution, 1901.


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