On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 18:26 -0700, Chris Humphry wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been mounting a little movement to get people to run Tor and
> setup Tor Bridges to help those in Iran access the Internet.  
> Then I found a great message which has been going around asking people
> to run Tor Bridges.  So I thought: "what about or-talk?".  Would it be
> wise to ask people in or-talk to provide Bridge addresses to this
> topic?   When people have submitted say 5 or 10 (or more) Bridge
> addresses I could collect them and post them to Twitter and lots of
> other sites.  Is that wise?

No. I'm sure the Iranian government is monitoring it at this point.
Posting a bridge IP there will just let them block it.

It would probably be best to email it to a trusted Iranian organization
or group, using OpenPGP encryption. They can disseminate it from there.

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