On 07/06/2009 01:44 PM, leandro noferini wrote:

> Uhmmm,  ok I  have not  so much  free space  for all  but only  for dist
> eventually: is this kind of mirror really useful?
> And how much space it will be needed in future? Is dist growing or it is
> quite always the same?

We're working on shrinking it in July.  Right now, dist and
torbrowser/dist contain every version of the software ever released.
While this archive is great for research and historical purposes, it
seems to encourage people to download older versions.

The goal is to have all versions that aren't current be stored at
archive.torproject.org.  We're also going to put the directory archives
from 2007 till now on this site as well.  I'm working on finding a place
that can store and serve 150GB of files.  If anyone has any suggestions,
I'm open to them (email me directly, not on list please).  In a perfect
world, someone will donate the space and bandwidth to us for years.

Thanks for your patience.

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

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