I've noticed something odd in info-level log messages that show circuit
build timeout values being set.  Given that the maximum length of circuit
construction time history of 5000 construction times has already been reached,
it seems weird to see huge jumps in the timeout values from one such message
to the next.  Here are two examples.

Apr 27 16:16:08.917 [info] circuit_build_times_set_timeout(): Set circuit build 
timeout to 68s (67721.267133ms, Xm: 6025, a: 0.665199) based on 5000 circuit 

The next message of this form is

Apr 27 16:16:08.917 [info] circuit_build_times_set_timeout(): Set circuit build 
timeout to 68s (67721.267133ms, Xm: 6025, a: 0.665199) based on 5000 circuit 

That one is followed by

Apr 27 16:26:14.040 [info] circuit_build_times_set_timeout(): Set circuit build 
timeout to 93s (93292.661928ms, Xm: 2525, a: 0.445889) based on 5000 circuit 

Messages showing similar timeouts (i.e., 93-94 s) continue for quite some time.
Then the following sequence occurs.

Apr 27 18:15:53.967 [info] circuit_build_times_set_timeout(): Set circuit build 
timeout to 94s (93616.547344ms, Xm: 2525, a: 0.445462) based on 5000 circuit 
Apr 27 18:15:59.672 [info] circuit_build_times_set_timeout(): Set circuit build 
timeout to 65s (64619.917420ms, Xm: 9075, a: 0.819887) based on 5000 circuit 

     So I'm wondering what is going on here.  If the timeout being set is
supposed to reflect some sort of smoothed values of a time series of circuit
construction time, where the smoother is 5000 values wide, how can such jumps
occur?  I guess I don't understand what algorithm is being used here.  Any
clarification would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
* "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army."                                               *
*    -- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790         *
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