On 05/01/2010 04:30 AM, James Brown wrote:
> I have installed the Tor on a VDS on the FreeBSD v. 8.0-STABLE, set
> tor_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf and reboot my system but the Tor daemon
> did not start.
> I see that I have no file "torrc" in my system, do I need create it
> manually? If "yes", can I simply copy it from my Debian home system (to
> the FreeBSD on a VDS)? Or I need make some configurations in that file?
> P.S. I think I don't have to install privoxy if I don't inted to use
> that VDS as a remote Tor-proxy for my home system, only as a Tor server
> for public needs for protecting and sponsoring the Tor project?

First off, how did you install tor? by port or by source?

You probably want to look in /usr/local/etc and set tor_enabled=YES in
/usr/local/etc/rc.conf, not /etc/rc.conf.  Your torrc should also be in

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

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