Orionjur Tor-admin wrote:
> Olaf Selke wrote:
>> Am 19.08.2010 17:49, schrieb Orionjur Tor-admin:
>>> After I write there MyFamily
>>> 90ECA7259B93B08FEC9872B2A1C065A0C05B2EE4,9087CA232B155B415AD81C0D3F636FC898246DEB
>>> I have the next errors output when I reatart my Tor daemon:
>> prepend each fingerprint with a $ sign. Once I made the same mistake.
>> The docs afaik doesn't mention it. Here's my exit nodes' config option:
>> MyFamily
>> $6297B13A687B521A59C6BD79188A2501EC03A065,$67EC84376D9C4C467DCE8621AACA109160B5264E,$66CA87E164F1CFCE8C3BB5C095217A28578B8BAF,$7B698D327F1695590408FED95CDEE1565774D136
>> Olaf
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> Very thanks, your advice was useful, the problem was resolved on its base.

Now I have seen to the statistics and find the next:
1) there are both my nodes in the item "Family" in the statistics of the
first of them :
2) there is only one of them in the statistics of another:
Why? In the torrc-file on each servers I pointed out identical
information about my family: MyFamily
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