On Sat, 09 Oct 2010 13:37 +0200, "Olaf Selke" <olaf.se...@blutmagie.de>
> On 09.10.2010 11:38, Anon Mus wrote:
> > 
> > Prior to end August 2010, if this kind of message was received I just
> > used to close the circuit and try again. Usually it would resolve by the
> > 3rd try. I tested these exits to see if they could resolve other urls,
> > they did so with ease, no errors.
> > 
> > But at the end August every time I closed the circuit I got one of the
> > "blutmagie,blutmagie2,blutmagie3,blutmagie4" exits again and these could
> > not resolve the DNS of webcrawler.com. So I did a little investigation
> > and found that ALL these were not resolving this DNS but simple (web
> > based) one hop proxies put on at the end of tor (globally) could resolve
> > this dns.
> hi there,
> please let me know if there's something wrong with blutmagie's dns
> resolution. "dig webcrawler.com" works perfectly from shell.
> By the way: My employer Telefonica O2 is shutting down the local office
> end of Q1 2011. Besides my job this might lead to the loss of the
> special deal for hosting blutmagie exit node. I doubt to get 200 TB
> traffic each month for free somewhere else.
> http://www.thelocal.de/money/20101008-30361.html
> regards Olaf - blutmagie operator

Sorry to hear about the loss of your job.
 I think the OP has not considered that Webcrawler may be blocking some
 Tor exits after experiencing abuse - the heaviest used exits would be
 the ones likely to show up.
Privoxy's error messages can't be relied on IMO. It would be useful if
tor-resolve had a 'choose exit' option.

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