On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 19:18:09 +0000
Orionjur Tor-admin <tor-ad...@orionjurinform.com> wrote:
> Is it very difficult to buy a SIM without showing ID in the USA or
> countries of Western Europe? Sorry for such off topic but it is very
> interesting to know are there any countries in Western Europe or
> states of the USA when it is possible to buy a SIM without showing
> your ID with accordance to local law?

My $0.02 from buying SIM cards all over the world, I show them my
CostCo Club photo id.  In Hong Kong they wrote down my first/last name
as "cost co".  No one has photocopied the ID yet.  Many shops ask for
it and then do nothing with it.  As explained to me in Belgium, the law
says they have to see an ID, not record, write down, and register the
sim in your name. Maybe I just found a cool shop by accident.

pgp 0x74ED336B
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