On 30/01/11 02:32, and...@torproject.org wrote:
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:29:25PM +0000, pump...@cotse.net wrote 2.3K bytes in 
53 lines about:
: My understanding is that Tor encrypts both the content of a data
: packet and also the header.  It encrypts the packet and header three
: times on the client (my computer) and then at each node one layer is
: decrypted until the data packet and header are decrypted to
: plaintext at the final exit node (except when TLS is used).  Right?

Actually, tor wraps the original traffic in encryption and tunnels it
through the 3 hops of a circuit.  We do not touch the original data.

Sorry....I'm not trying to be dumb but I'm unclear how your answer differs from my assumption.

Tor takes all the data (header and content), encrypts it three times on the client (me), and then at each node one layer is unencrypted OR is it all of it unencrypted at the exit node?
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