On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 16:27 -0600, "Joe Btfsplk" <joebtfs...@gmx.com>
> Using latest stable Vidalia / Tor bundle for Win (Vista x64).
> Never really had this prob before installing latest ver, but could be 
> coincidence.  When using Tor/ Torbutton, only one site gave message (to 
> the effect) "the IP address you're using has been determined to be 
> abusing this site ? / server ?.  Access denied."
> Then it showed the full IP address.  I could never get that site to stop 
> showing that same, blocked address, no matter what I did.
> Tried closing the tab in Firefox.
> Then tried closing Tor & Firefox, restarting.  Same msg from site, w/ 
> same IP address shown.  Also, tried refreshing the Tor network, so all 
> new nodes.  Made no diff.
> After doing the above (& site still showing old IP address when I opened 
> a new browser tab, then tried site again) I checked my ACTUAL current 
> exit IP address by going to a Tor check site.  As I figured, it showed a 
> diff IP address than the blocked site was still showing, at the very 
> same time as I checked at Tor check site.
> Somehow that old IP address was being stored somewhere, even though it 
> was no longer the exit address being used in Tor network.  How / why did 
> the site keep showing the old address after doing all those steps?
> Is there an easier way to deal w/ this problem than the many steps I 
> took?  Thanks.

I had a similar problem with a site. I came to the conclusion that it
was Polipo cacheing. You can try inserting a 'Pragma: No-cache' header
using Modify Headers or a similar addon, though that does make you stand

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