On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Martino Papesso <mart...@papesso.com> wrote:
> Hallo I live in Italy.
> I have firefox portable version with tor download from here :
> http://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-1.3.17_it.exe .
> I wish to see this video
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmhApE1kIgA&feature=player_embedded.
> In Italy is not possible.
> For one friend in Romania is possible to see this
> video(http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/7321/31962895.png).
> I tried to watch the video using tor but did not succeed.
> I'm not very handy when using tor.
> Could you help me for to see this video please.
> Is there one person who speak Italian?
> Many thanks.
> Ciao.
> Martino

 Clicking the link you post for the video,
this is what I get here in the USA.

This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment. It is not
available in your country.

Which tells me it is not available here either. Makes me wonder which
country's are allowed to watch it.

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