On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 5:51 AM, Roger Dingledine <a...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 05:08:17AM +0000, M wrote:
> > I thought i would bring this to the attention of those concerned in case
> > they already did not know. I am still unable to download any attachments,
> > whether yahoo or gmail, when running tor. The message which appears is
> >
> >  "[JavaScript Application]
> >
> > Torbutton blocked direct Tor load of plugin content.
> >
> > Use Save-As instead.
> Have you tried using Save-As instead?

'Save as' does not work with attachments...

> > This is a real pain and i was hoping it would be fixed with the update,
> but
> > alas....
> I believe the trouble is that Firefox doesn't make it easy for extensions
> to tell if the website is trying to get you to run an external application
> vs just trying to give you a file to download.

I forgot to mention that when i try to download attachments with an .odt or
docx extension.. it works fine...every time. hmm.... However, .doc, and .rar
and other common extensions (as far as the ones i have tried) don't work.

> But I'll turn the question around on you: which trac entry on
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/report/14

Cant access # 14. link shows the same error message :(

> did you report your issue on? If it's not on the bugtracker it's nowhere.

ok.. didnt know.

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