Yes, exactly.

If you scratch below the surface, and ask "why" (in terms
of social theory), you may come to realize that in american
technical culture there are two broad categories:

 1) populists/populizers 
     (make products that are ugly, but cheap)

 2) technical elites 
     (make products that are beautiful, but expensive)

Basically MS = #1, and Unix/Oracle/etc = #2

Oracle corp.'s "organizational culture" is simply incapable
of acting on "populist logic" because such logic runs
contrary to the "value system" (and/or aesthetic preferences)
of the technical elites.

Neither "position" is inherently more "good" than the other
since they simply represent forms/expressions of different 
perspectives that arise from underlying universal archetypes.


On 2 Feb 2001, at 10:39, Nikolay Kumanov wrote:

Date sent:              Fri, 02 Feb 2001 10:39:50 -0800
To:                     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> After many years of working for the financial sector, please don't be too
> angry at me for stating my opinion in financial terms:

> IMHO, probably company B has better technology, but A has better marketing
> strategy and market development. And I am very sad to see lesser
> technologies come to prosperity. I hope that some wise guy at B would say
> "OK folks, we are opening all the info we have, we want all the young and
> bright people to have the possibility to study our technology, even if they
> have not the means to pay for the information. We are providing an
> affordable way for youngsters to become a B professionals". Could it be a
> wise (and profitable) investment????


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