Just got this from Infoworld's site. It basically talks about 'pieces' of 9i being
 released ahead of the database. The section of more urgent interest is this:

Oracle's target date for releasing 9i is June 30, Bob
Shimp, senior director for Oracle 9i marketing, said in
an interview last week. That would be the tail end of
Oracle's previously stated launch window of the first
half of 2001. Indeed, Larry Ellison, Oracle's chairman
and chief executive officer, said at the OpenWorld
show in October that Oracle 9i would ship in March.

Oracle is pitching the new database to ASPs, where
it hopes to become a significant player in the
emerging hosted applications market, as well as to
e-businesses that are using the Internet as a critical
part of their operations and who need a reliable and
scalable database.

Here is the whole article:

Dwayne Cox
Database Administrator, Development Department

Info Tech, Inc.
5700 S.W.  34th Street, Suite 1235
Gainesville, FL  32608
Phone: 352-381-4400/Fax: 352-381-4444

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