Title: OFF TOPIC: DBA Job at a Chocolate Factory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jack C. Applewhite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Now MY idea of a heavenly DBA gig would be at something like
> the Fred Astaire or Arthur Murray World Headquarters, where
> my wife and I would have access to a nice dance floor for
> our rehearsals, access to the occasional pro for coaching,
> and maybe discounts on dance shoes.  WOW!
> BTW, those of you who will be in Louisville, KY on March
> 30th and 31st might find it amusing to watch this old DBA
> dance with his wife in the "Derby City North-Central
> Regional Amateur Dancesport Championships" at The Galt House
> hotel downtown.  Dancing, like good DBAing, takes a hell of
> a lot of hard work to make it look easy!

Don't listen to him! My wife participates in dance competitions and has "persuaded" me to join her in taking dance lessons at a local dance studio. I would prefer having to recover a crashed 24x7 mission critical database than have to enter a dance competition.

Jack, do you do ballroom or latin/jive? Of course, I happen to prefer ballroom (where you can get away with looking bored while you're dancing) and my wife likes latin (our salsa instructor is constantly exhorting us to "shake our booties" - trust me, you don't want to see a DBA shaking his booty).

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