I recall that brainbuzz.com has good study guides....they are used for OCP training, but are a good source of Oracle basics. 
It might be less intimidating that Kevin's old handbook which remains a gentle introduction to all things Oracle.
If you only take him through backup and recovery,then just about anything else is forgivable if production is not aggravated seriously.
-----Original Message-----
From: andrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 6:50 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: new DBA/DBO basic training

Dear all !
I'm leaving my current job soon , but before i leave i need to teach one of the developers here some very-very basic DBA / DBO stuff.
This guy is going to support our existing databases .
I'm just wondering what should i teach him . The training must be short and very practical .
He knows some basic SQL already .
I thought of briefly giving him some Oracle instance/database concepts , i.e. what is instance , SGA , background processes , database , tablespace , rollback segments .
Then i thought of just showing him how to shutdown / start up the instance and the listener .
Then a short session on SQL*Loader ( we use it a lot here ) , exp/imp .
I also gave him the Kevin Looney's "Oracle DBA Handbook" to take a look at .
Am i missing something ?
Please advice .
Please note that taking a course is not an option for us .
Thanks a lot .
Andrey .

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