Did you update your listener? And TNSNAMES?
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Author: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (N J Neog)
Date: 4/27/01 9:40 PM

Hi all,

We 3 Oracle server as follows.

A. Oracle8 Enterprise Edition 8.0.5
B. Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 8.1.5
C. Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 8.1.6 was Installed Recently.

All are in Digital Unix

The problem is  

>From a Unix user if my ORACLE_HOME is pointing to database A(8.0.5) or 

we can connect from Sqlplus to Oracle Server A and B not to C (8.1.6.)
But If ORACLE_HOME is pointing to C(8.1.6), Sql Plus can connect to all

Is there a problem with 8.1.6 ? or had we Installed 8.1.6 wrongly ?
Any suggestion how to rectify it assuming my ORACLE_HOME always
points to 8.1.5 or 8.0.5.

Thanks in advance


Naba J Neog


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