Title: RE: ORA-24347 (null column in aggregate function) - SQL*Plus

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Sawmiller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Looks like you have user with no objects.  Try count(*)
> instead of count(object_name);

I don't think so Tim. If I said "count (*)" my query below would return 1 for users with no objects. count (*) counts all rows, count (object_name) would count only non-null values for object_name and should thus return 0 for a user with no objects.

Jacques R. Kilchoër

> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/30/01 02:25PM >>>
> I'm a little stumped. I'm using SQL*Plus client to
> connect to an
> Oracle 8.0.5 database on a Windows NT server. I want to get
> the count of
> objects for each user, with a 0 count for users without any
> objects. But
> when i run the query, errors message ORA-24347 is returned.
> Why would that
> be?
> When I run the query directly on the server, using a SQL*Plus
> 8.0.5 client,
> the query returns the expected data with no errors. Is there a bug in
> Metalink for this? I didn't find anything, but maybe my
> searching skills
> need some honing. Should I stick with older versions of the
> SQL*Plus client?
> Results with 8.1.6 client to 8.0.5 database:
> SQL> select count (*) from dba_users where username is null ;
>   COUNT(*)
> ----------
>          0
> SQL> select count (*) from dba_objects where owner is null ;
>   COUNT(*)
> ----------
>          0
> SQL> select count (*) from dba_objects where object_name is null ;
>   COUNT(*)
> ----------
>          0
> SQL> select a.username, count (object_name)
>   2  from dba_users a, dba_objects b
>   3  where a.username = b.owner (+)
>   4  group by a.username ;
> ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function

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