On Monday 14 May 2001 19:55, Pat Hildebrand wrote:
> Would depend on just what you are looking for. A quick look at
> Oracle's SQL functions showed avg, st. deviation, and variance
> although no median but that should be easier to write than some of the
> others.
>                    Pat


Here's the script I have for median.  Feel free to simplify it.  :)

And if you do, I want a copy.

I can't claim authorship of this, I borrowed it from somewhere.


-- middle value is chosen as median when there is an 
-- odd number of values

-- average of 2 middle values is chosen median
-- when there is an even number of values

drop table median;

create table median ( value number );

insert into median values ( 111 );
insert into median values ( 543 );
insert into median values ( 566 );
insert into median values ( 643 );
insert into median values ( 456 );
insert into median values ( 98 );
insert into median values ( 877 );
insert into median values ( 867 );
insert into median values ( 687 );
insert into median values ( 6886 );

-- uncomment this row for an odd number of values
--insert into median values ( 982 );


break on report
compute avg label 'Median' of value on report
column value heading 'values|averaged|in median'

from (
        select value
        from median
        where value is not null
        select 1 from dual where 1=2
group by value, rownum
having rownum >= (
        select decode( mod(total_freq,2),
                1,trunc(total_freq/2 + 1),
        from (
                select count(*) total_freq
                from median
                where value is not null
and rownum <= ( 
        select decode( mod(total_freq,2),
                1,trunc(total_freq/2 + 1),
                0,trunc(total_freq/2 + 1)
        from (
                select count(*) total_freq
                from median
                where value is not null

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