Hi list,

I have a curious problem with my buffer hit ratio on Oracle 8.0.5, Unix HP
UX 11.0. When I run the following select, I get a hit Rati about 8 %.

select   sum(decode(NAME, 'consistent gets',VALUE, 0)) ConsistentGets,
         sum(decode(NAME, 'db block gets',VALUE, 0))DBBlockGets,
         sum(decode(NAME, 'physical reads',VALUE, 0)) PhysicalReads,
         round((sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets',value, 0)) + 
            sum(decode(name, 'db block gets',value, 0)) - 
            sum(decode(name, 'physical reads',value, 0))) / 
         (sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets',value, 0)) + 
         sum(decode(name, 'db block gets',value, 0))) * 100,2) HitRatio
from     sys.v_$sysstat;


37104235                  166477                 35109886

I know the application which works with this instance. I know that hit ratio
have to be higher, cause application is tuned and there is not much data in
the database. In other environments (Windows NT) I get buffer hit ratios
about 90 - 99 %. So my question: Is there something on OS-level (HP UX 11.0)
I have to configure to get higher buffer hit ratios?

Here is the environment:
Oracle 8.0.5 on HP UX 11.0
512 RAM

INIT.ORA parameters:
compatible           8.0.0
cpu_count            1
db_block_size        4096
db_block_buffers     50000
shared_pool_size     70000000
hash_area_size       131072
sort_area_size       131072
large_pool_size      0
log_buffer           163840


Volker Schön
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