Title: RE: SID on sqlplus prompt?

I use this as well but it only works going through Sqlplus.  If you want to change connections while you are in sqlplus by entering sql> Connect username@dbname, then the sid/username will not change on the sql> prompt.  To make the connection change show, add a member in the Bin directory called Connect.sql and add the following code:

connect &1

set termout off pause off arraysize 1
rem Store username
col user_id   new_value user_id
col user_name new_value user_name
select user_id, lower(username) user_name from user_users
   where username = user;
rem Store database name
col db_name new_value db_name
select lower(substr(global_name,1,(instr(global_name,'.',1,1)-1)))
   db_name from global_name;
set sqlprompt "&db_name:&user_name> "

Then in sqlplus enter sql> @Connect username@dbname and the sid/username should change to the new connection.  The glogin and connect members are very helpful when wanting to see what database you are connected too.  They originated from someone on this list, but I don't remember who. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Sais [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 5:36 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: SID on sqlplus prompt?

I use this: glogin.sql file found in $OH/sqlplus/admin on the db server.  hth.



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