Have you tried this:

select tab2.col1, tab2.col2, x.col1, x.col2
        (select column1 col1,
                column2 col2
        from    tab2
        where   ( your independent conditions here, can't refer to outer query here)
        ) x,
where x.col1 = tab2.col1  [etc...]

Is that what you are looking for? 

Lisa Koivu
Clumsy Ninja-ette
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Nirmal Kumar  Muthu Kumaran [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent:   Tuesday, June 26, 2001 9:01 AM
    To:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
    Subject:        QUERY HELP

    Dear Guru's,

    How can i refer the previous record detail(s), when oracle fetchs the current row details?.

    sql> SELECT rownum rnum, empno eno, ename FROM EMP;

    RNUM    ENO     ENAME
    1       7369    SMITH
    2       7499    ALLEN
    3       7521    WARD
    4       7566    JONES
    7       7782    CLARK
    8       7788    SCOTT
    10      7844    TURNER

    In the above, can i able to put * mark in record 7 and 10, since before these two records, some records are missing.

    Is this possible to do this by query. I need this in reports.

    Basically my question is,
    How can i refer the previous row detail(s), when oracle fetchs the current row details?.

    Thanks in adv.


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