I'm expereinceing a weird problem.
I have a tabl whihcis basically a collection of counters (NAME VARCHAR2, COUNTER NUMBER).  For various reasons that are unimportant in this context the tables work by atempting an insert on (NAME, 1) and if that fails they do an update COUNTER = COUNTER +!;  This has been running fine for 3 years.  Suddenly in the past 3 weeks I have been seeing performance problems and the sudden appearance of some (apprently) constraint checking recursive sql whihc is in direct proportionto the inserts.  This recursive sql was never in the sqlarea previously.  The lines look like:
select executions, sqltext from v$sqlarea;
165799528 select c.name, u.name from con$ c, cdef$ cd, user$ u  where c.con# = cd.con# and cd.enabled = :1 and c.owner# = u.user#
Further if I do:
desc v$session;
select sql_text from v$sqlarea sq, v$session se
where prev_sql_addr = 'AA46049C' and prev_hash_value = '1318728909'
and sql_address = sq.address and sql_hash_value = sq.hash_value;
(that sql_address and hsah_value are for the insert statement above) I frequently (though not exclusively the recursive sql)
I am always returned either no rows or that recursive sql statement (and these are not the most executed statements in the db either (they are 10th and 11th respectively, and any session is equally likely to run any of the the top 20 executed queries, in any pairings), so I would expect to see others if this was just a coincidence.
I've searched Metalink and Google for this sql with basically no luck, and I have an open Tar which is getting no response.  has anyone seen anything similair?  Any clues, thoughts, etc?

--George Schlossnagle
1024D/1100A5A0  1370 F70A 9365 96C9 2F5E  56C2 B2B9 262F 1100 A5A0

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