I second that motion.  I just spent over $100 to get my 2 boys signed up for Cub Scouts and one of them has weekly dues of $1.00.  For me it $12/yr would be worth it.  Maybe offer a lifetime membership of $25 or something. 
My 2 cents worth
Stephen Andert

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/29/01 08:15AM >>>
I think that much better than voluntary contributions will be some
s*u*b*s*c*r*i*p*t*i*o*n fees - like $1 per month or better $12 per year. I
am sure that
everybody working with Oracle and living in US or UK or other developed
country can afford such fees. We will not need to charge people from
developing countries - I am sure these subscription fees will generate more
than $500 per month.

Alex Hillman

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