Title: svrmgrl and W2k

OH MY GOSH this sucks. 

Is anyone running 8.1.7 EE on W2k?  I am trying to start the database (and the listener, for that matter) via Terminal Server and it keeps erring out with ORA-12560 protocol adapter error. 

I look on Metalink and it just plain says, Go to the console.  WHAT?  Are you KIDDING!  Here's the note:

    • fact: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition
    • fact: RDBMS
    • fact: MS Windows 2000
    • fact: MS Windows NT
    • symptom: Cannot connect to SVRMGRL
    • symptom: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    • symptom: Cannot connect to SVRMGR30
    • symptom: ORA-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination
    • cause: Bequeath protocol is not supported with Microsoft Terminal Server Client. ORA-12203 is seen on Oracle 8.0.6. ORA-12560 is seen on Oracle8i.

fix: Connecting to SVRMGRL is done by using the BEQUEATH protocol which is not available using an MS Windows 2000 Terminal Server Client. To startup the instance, use the the Windows 2000 console to connect to the SVRMGRL.

I can do this with W2k, Terminal Server and Standard Edition. 

Has anyone else seen this ? I am so irked I could scream.  (But it could be the hormones).

Lisa Koivu
Oracle Database Monkey.
Fairfield Resorts, Inc.

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