set what, precisely, through a trigger?

Geez, if you have a DBA and/or a schema owner that can't/shouldn't be 
deleting from a table, what you have is NOT a database problem, it's
an HR problem. 


yea, how about this? an "BEFORE DELETE" trigger on the table, saving and
repopulating each row the Evil DBA deleted, and logging his Evil Actions
in the Military Audit table, so that the Evildoer can be brought to justice?

Yea, that's the ticket, that's printable in "Dilbert". 

In peace, love, data, and triggers, 

- The Evil One

-----Original Message-----

Hi Listers,

How can we revoke 'delete privilege' from the schema owner of the table and 
also from DBA ?
If it is not possible, can we set through trigger ?


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