
I'm having a small problem while checking row count parameter in a 

A stored procedure accepts parameters and returns refcursors; if no 
candidate rows are found, then an error code is returned to the calling 
program. The same cursor variable is used to retrun the rowset or error 

To check if any rows are returned, I use the ROWCOUNT attribute of the 
cursor variable. Rowcount is not available till I do the first fetch. 
However the fetch removes the first row from the recordset, in case any rows 
are present. The 'OUT' variable returned to the calling program has one row 
less than actual. How to prevent this?  Is there any other better way to 
check if rows are present?

Presently, I work around by opening the cursor again. But surely this won't 
hold out for bigger data sets and complex queries.

create or replace PROCEDURE Get_Emp_Rows (EmpCur IN OUT GenPack.GenCurTyp, 
Nstr Varchar2) IS
cname   Emp.Name%type;

  OPEN EmpCur FOR SELECT name FROM Emp where name = Nstr;
  FETCH EmpCur into cname;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(cname);  --displays first row for test
    IF EmpCur%rowcount=0 then
       OPEN EmpCur FOR SELECT 'W001' from dual;
       OPEN EmpCur FOR SELECT name FROM Emp where name = Nstr;
    End If;
END Get_Emp_Rows;

Thanks for your time.


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