Title: Serious import problem (help!)


I've been exporting data from the production db's every night for over a year.  We use these exports to import into the test db's that we have setup in the office.  Well, starting yesterday I am no longer able to import successfully into any of our 8.1.6 instances. 

The exp/imp are being done with the same version (Export file created by EXPORT:V08.01.06 via conventional path, Import: Release - Production on Thu Apr 25 14:19:59 2000) and we have not upgraded Oracle (production or test) ever since it's been installed.  Our exp files are around 5GB (on NTFS filesystem) when exported, I then gzip (switching to bzip2 soon) the files and ftp them off for unzipping and importing into another 8.1.6 w2k server.  The thing that dazzles me is that nothing has changed except that we moved into a new office (new IP address space) this week.  Were using WINS to resolve machine names (eg oradb2) and that's working fine (always has). 

75% of the tables in Schema A load up fine, the other 25% in Schema A are random but seem to be breaking on the largest tables.

These are the import errors I get on multiple instances and different DB machines, very strange.

imp.exe system/%pass%@%dbname% FILE=%dmpfile% BUFFER=20000000 COMMIT=Y LOG=import.log IGNORE=Y FROMUSER=%owners% TOUSER=%owners%

. . importing table                     "CUSTOMER"
IMP-00058: ORACLE error 3125 encountered
ORA-03125: client-server protocol violation
IMP-00018: partial import of previous table completed: 3718 rows imported

. . importing table                      "ACCOUNT"
IMP-00058: ORACLE error 1461 encountered
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
IMP-00018: partial import of previous table completed: 212793 rows imported

. . importing table                "AGING_LDC_TMP"
IMP-00058: ORACLE error 3106 encountered
ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error
IMP-00018: partial import of previous table completed: 264180 rows imported

. . importing table                    "BATCH_LOG"
IMP-00058: ORACLE error 1461 encountered
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
IMP-00018: partial import of previous table completed: 723328 rows imported

Any help would be appreciated!


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