General comments in line.

Object (0) though is that clustered tables cannot
be partitioned. This could be a severe limitation
on future growth, and add administrative woes as
the database increases in size.

Rebuttal (0) - the database is too small, and the
licence fee too high to cater for partitioned table.

Bear in mind that you cannot do direct path
loads to clustered tables - (another common
practice with d/w systems - but if you can't
partition, this may be irrelevant anyway).

Jonathan Lewis

Author of:
Practical Oracle 8i: Building Efficient Databases

Next Seminar - Australia - July/August

Host to The Co-Operative Oracle Users' FAQ

-----Original Message-----

|Env: Oracle 8.1.6 on Solaris 2.7

|The idea is, store datawarehouse data in clustered tables,
|1 table per cluster. The rationale is that this imposes a physical
|sort order upon the data; if access is usually via the cluster key,
|access will be optimized.

    I assume that you mean indexed cluster, rather than hash cluster,
    as you have to predefine the full size of a hash cluster, whereas
    index cluster can grow by (a) chaining and (b) adding new cluster
    key values.

|Objection 1) Most Oracle docs recommend: don't store data in clusters
|if it's going to be updated frequently. Updating clustered tables is
    Rebuttal 1 - addendum - I think this point is made about the
    cluster key value, rather than the rest of the columns.
    you won't be updating the cluster key - as this leads to

|Objection 2) Conventional RDBMS theory says: the physical order of
|stored in an RDBMS should not be important.

    Rebuttal 2 - addendum - The theory is about correctness of result,
    speed of getting it.

|Objection 3) Clustered tables require more space management, and may
|wasteful if avg record size and block size are not reasonably
|Rebuttal 3) True. But the benefit of faster access outweighs the
|disadvantage of better planning when the table is created and loaded.
|In the test mentioned above, the space consumed by the clustered
|and index was comparable to the non-clustered table and index.

    But if you're going to think about things properly, and plan how
    to do the job well, that's cheating.  You're supposed to wade
    right in, mess it up, and then tell us that clustering is useless.

|Objection 4) Very few places seem to use the clustering feature.
|Rebuttal 4) That doesn't mean this is a bad idea, just unusual.
   Rebuttal 4 - addendum - Everywhere uses clustering (as Tom
    Kyte points out) - have you ever looked at the data dictionary
    tables  (see sql.bsq) ?

|Objection 5) If you want rows stored in order, use an index-organized
    Index only tables (with proper planning - see 3) should not
    in general have a significant update problem.

    They also give you the advantage that they can be partitioned,
    which means small data segments - which can make rebuilds
    rebuilds very quick (if that turns out to be necessary) and
    direct loads for new partitions.

    There is also the benefit that data will actually be stored in
    exact order - potentially eliminating SORTs from ORDER BY
    and GROUP BY queries: whereas the clustered option only
    gives you 'close location' for an I/O gain, rather than actual
    sorted order.

|Rebuttal 5) That does have significant updating problems, and is not
|practical unless you can drop and rebuild the entire table everytime
|receives updates. Single-clustered tables do not appear to have these
|updating problems.

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