Title: RE: CPU Pegged at 100%


Do not depend on Performance Monitor alone for your CPU statistics. At least in NT4, it quite often reports 100% usage with nothing going on. Right now on my workstation I have one little Access database open with no activity. Performance Monitor is saying CPU is at 100% and has been for the last 5 minutes.

Jerry Whittle
NCI Information Systems Inc.

    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Raghu Banaji [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


    I have a customer who runs an ERP application written using
    ORACLE. Almost all code is written using PL/SQL packages. There are about 80-100 users
    at any given point of time(6 AM - 11 PM). Oracle version is Standard Edition.
    All the four CPU's on their server is pegged at 100% for most of the time. This is resulting
    in end users complaning about slow performance and slower log-ons to the application.
    This issue has been occuring consistently for over 2-3 weeks now. Archive logging is enabled
    and the database is normally shutdown once a week for cold backup.

    The Admin guys have been monitoring the server using Performance monitor and
    find that Oracle.exe is the process consuming 99% of the resource. Memory usage is
    constant and there is plenty of it free. Hard disk drives show no activity. A normal
    assumption would be that disk drives would be going crazy with all
    the CPU activity going on, but that does not seem to be the case.

    Oracle software and one PRODuction database exist on this server.

    Their Server configuration consists of:
    Windows 2000 OS (Advanced Server), with 4 Pentium III Xeon processors (each 700 Mhz),
    4 Gb RAM and 2 disk drives on seperate disk controllers. Hard drives are of 15,000 RPM's.

    <<< snipped >>>


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