Oh the joys of UTF8.  I've been fighting here with an Apps 11.5 installation for for 
way too long.

If you are creating files with utl_file, then here are my thoughts:
1. You need to translate the data using the convert function to a different character 
set, ie,
select convert(substr(report_text,1,165),'WE8ISO8859P1') from dual ;
2. If you are generating text/html pages, make sure you specify the UTF8 character set 
in the
3. Use the unix program iconv to convert the output file before sending it, ie,
iconv -f utf8 -t iso8859_1 <fromfile >tofile
4. If you are generating files via sqlplus, etc, make sure you set the client NLS_LANG 
WE8ISO8859P1.  Then sqlnet will perform the character translation for you.

Biggest problem I've has is with peripheral devices, ie, printers.  They do not 
multi-byte characters sets.  Also, PDFs generated by Oracle Reports are not coded 
correctly for

Have fun!

Ps, Some of us don't mind watching naked men on the beach...

Ron Thomas
Hypercom, Inc
"The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober."  
--William Butler

                      c.net                    To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]          
                      Sent by:                 cc:                                     
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Subject:  Unicode output                
                      05/17/02 05:08 PM                                                
                      Please respond to                                                

Hello all,

We're running Oracle RDBMS on a Solaris 2.8 server platform.

The development team for a particular project has written a stored
procedure for sending data feeds to other projects.  It spools
outputs of queries to UTL_FILE_DIR, and then other processes
E-mail the output files to vearious recipients.

This database has international users.  The NLS_LANG setting
is AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8.  Up until now all of the output files
have looked fine, but recently an end-user in Mexico has inputted
an address that looks in part like this:


It should look like "Mexico" with an accent above it ...

The recipients of this particular spool file are complaining
that this output is "wrong", which I guess it is, from their

Does anyone have any suggestions on a setting or process that
could "correct" this, or somehow "filter" the output, or a workaround?

I wish that the recipients could connect to the database directly,
query the data they need and pull it into their own database,
but that isn't how things are structured with this client.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Lou Avrami

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Author: Louis Avrami

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Author: Ron Thomas

Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California        -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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