We have a couple of new applications in development that are moving to QA.
These databases are currently running on Sun Solaris 2.6.   We've
been pretty happy with this version to this point but are at a pivotal spot
in our product development cycle where we have a narrow window in which we
could upgrade to 9.2 before we finish our QA cycle and move the
application to production.    We will be moving to production in the
September timeframe.

I know that 9.2 hasn't been out that long so I'm not sure how many people
are using it.   For those that are using it, what has your experience been?
Is it very buggy?   Any major problems?

We have an OLTP database, a smallish datawarehouse that uses partitioning,
and some datamarts that also use partitioning.   We do not use MTS or
replication.   Our character set is UTF8.  We will be essentially 24 X 7.
These are web-based front-ends.

What do you guys think?   This OLTP database is very mission critical for
us, once it gets to production.   Is it worth moving to 9.2 at this point
or should we wait awhile until a couple more patchsets come out?   How long
do people wait for a new release to settle before they move to it?

Thanks for your feedback,

Cherie Machler
Oracle DBA
Gelco Information Network

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