There is no truly automated way to do this.  Why Oracle doesn't make
this a builtin SQL*Plus option, I have NO idea.  Seems to me like
something that ought to have been there since day one.

Anyhow, one work around I have seen is:
Create conn.sql
put 'connect &1' as the first line
add in the lines from glogin.sql that set the prompt

Then, when you switch connections, get in the habit of typing '@conn
...' instead of 'conn ...'.

Hope that helps,

On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 01:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We want to set the sql promp as username@database >
> We set this in Glogin.sql  as :
> column global_name new_value gname
> select user||'@'||host_name global_name  from v$instance,global_name;
> set sqlprompt '&gname>'
>  We are able to get this prompt when we login to sql for the first time  .
> When we change  connection at the prompt using connect statement we are not
> able to get the new user name and database as prompt
> eg :
> RR@BKP>conn test/test@o8
> Connected.
> Can anyone suggest a method to do this.
> Thanks,
> Deepa
Mark J. Bobak
Oracle DBA
"It is not enough to have a good mind.  The main thing is to use it
                                                -- Rene Descartes
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