Title: Win2k Perl accessing Oracle Parameters?

Hello All,

I am writing an perl script. I cann't figure out and have been going through the docs, but cann't find exactly what I need.

A way to access Oracle Parameters as they are set up in the Win2k registary. I am specifically thinking of ORACLE_HOME. I do know how to obtain an environmental variable/parameter with $ENV{}.

But the ORACLE_HOME is not an environmental parameter per se.
I have a workaround by setting it up in the enviroment, however I would like to write this script with the aim at it being machine unspecific.

(Jared, hope you can answer me on this. Want to get a copy of your book, unfortunately with the exchange rate and import taxes etc it will cost me R590,00. Quiet a chunk of the ole budget, maybe early next year.)

Denham Eva
Oracle DBA
"UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity."
Dennis Ritchie.


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