Gurelei wrote:
> Hi.
> I found a query with a buffer hit ratio about 60%:
> SELECT b.Name, a.Racf, c.Manager, < fileds from STATS
> table>
> FROM BT.Stats a, BT.Employees b, BT.Employees c
> WHERE a.Stats_Date Between '13-Nov-02' and '13-Nov-02'
> and a.Manager = c.Manager and
> c.racf = 'RLEWI01' and b.Racf = a.Racf
> and ( Product='RTI' OR Product = 'RIM' ...  or Product
> = 'WEB')
> Group by b.Name, a.Racf, c.Manager Order by b.Name
> Here is the plan under oracle 7.3.3 rbo:
> 1.0 SELECT STATEMENT   (, , )
>   2.1 SORT GROUP BY  (, , )
>     3.1 NESTED LOOPS   (, , )
>       4.1 NESTED LOOPS   (, , )
>           6.1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN EMPLOYEES_PK (, , )
>         5.2 TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID STATS (, , )
>           6.1 INDEX RANGE SCAN STATS_FK2 (, , )
> The largest table is STATS - 1.6 mil rows. STATS_FK2
> is
> an index on MANAGER field. We have only 115 different
> managers so the index is not very selective. The
> stats_date field is more selective. Does it make sence
> for me to force Oracle to use that index in order to
> reduce the number of disk reads?
> thanks
> Gene


   First reducing the number of disk reads doesn't necessarily means
that it will run faster. Except in the case of fast index scans, index
blocks are usually read one-at-a-time, while in a table scan you will
read batches of several blocks. If you have for instance a large number
of db_file_sequential_reads, then you may find that your query will
perform better with a lesser index usage. It's then a matter of knowing
where the data you want is. If it happens to be physically clustered,
fine (I am using 'clustered' in the general sense here, not referring to
Oracle clusters); if it scattered all over the place your query is
likely to be painful to run ...
  Not knowing your data it's difficult to be specific but here are some
general guide-lines:

  - How many rows does your query return ? If it's a huge number I would
feel more comfortable with table scans than index accesses in the plan.
  - You seem to feed three things into your query, racf (any
relationship to the IBM product?), product (your query doesn't say from
which table it comes) and the date (BTW implicit conversions like here
always make me feel nervous). Which one is the most selective ? Try to
have your query start with the corresponding table (I am a big fan of
/*+ ORDERED */). If you have paid for the partition option,this is
something to consider too for your STATS table - a good way to cluster
data. A brute scan of the suitable partition is usually extremely
 - If you have to join tables with not-so-significant criteria, USE_HASH
deserves consideration.

Try different things.

Stephane Faroult
Oriole Software
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