I am running RedHat 7.3 on a Gateway G6-266 in my home LAN.
It connects to the web just fine, and my intent is to make
it a lightweight web and DB server.  I am running Oracle 9iR2.
It's slow, but it runs.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fink, Dan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 7:14 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Borderline OT - Unix for Oracle at home

I am looking to add a unix box to my collection of wintel machines at home. It will be used solely for running/testing Oracle, so I don't need bells & whistles. My thoughts are either Linux/intel or Sun Ultra workstation. While it would be convenient to be able to network it into a DSL configuration, it is not essential. My original thought was a Linux desktop, but I can also get Ultra 5 or 10 workstations on ebay for less than $500.
Anyone having experience good/bad/ugly for this type of task? All tips, challenges, things to consider are greatly appreciated.
Dan Fink

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