In need of cathartic release, I find myself sharing my
pain with the folks that will understand it best.   :)

The past two weeks have really been 'fun'.

Last week we attempted to install an upgraded version of
a rather vital manufacturing application that is used to control
our shop floor.

We backed out the upgrade and re-installed the previous
version ( and requisite database restores ) because the reponse
time on some views was abysmal.  This 4 day adventure included
one 19 hour day.  Some fun, eh?

We replicate several tables from the app to another database for
real time reporting needs.  These snapshots are refreshed every
minute, which has been working quite well for us for 10 months.

( a brief aside:  The reason for replicating the data is so that we
  can query near real time data without bringing down database 
  performance in production, as this is the app from hell )

The upgraded version replaces several of those tables that we 
replicate with views.  So now instead of replicating table XYZ, I 
have view XYZ and must replicate 8 tables.  The structure of these
views made them unsuitable for fast refresh snapshots.

Here's the WHERE clause from one of the views:

        T1 A,  T2 X,  T3 ZZ,   T4 D,
        T5 E,  T6 J,  T7 K,    T8 PP
WHERE   A.ProductID = X.ProductID (+)
AND   A.SerialNo = X.SerialNo (+)
AND   A.ProductID = D.ProductID (+)
AND   A.SerialNo = D.SerialNo (+)
AND   D.OrderContentID = e.ID (+)
AND   A.ProductID = J.ProductID (+)
AND   A.SerialNo = J.SerialNo (+)
AND   J.WipContentRefID = K.ID (+)

The table names have been changed to keep me out of trouble.

Lovely eh?

This was supposedly tested, but I think the testing was done 
with 'test' data.  You know, 20 rows in each table.

So we make plans to do it again this weekend ( Feb 22-23 )

I am fortunate to have on retainer a very good local DBA.  We thought
it might be a good idea to get as many eyeballs as possible looking at
these problems.  This guy used to write optimizer code for Oracle, so
he got to tune the views.  :)

After his initial shock at seeing the 'code' in these views, he got to work.

After removing outer joins, eliminating unncessary tables and creating a
couple indexes, the views worked pretty well.  

There was one still problem though.   Trying to create an 'explain plan' on
these views might sometimes take minutes.   It seems the optimizer couldn't 
make up it's mind as to how best to execute the query.  These views didn't
just have 8 way outer joins, there are also inline views in the SELECT 
portion of several of them.

Here for your amusement, is the timing portion of a small set of 
transactions.  < 2 seconds to execute, 5.5 minutes to parse the views.


call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  
Parse      430    384.49     383.42          0          0          1          
Execute    268      0.41       0.49         16       1782        151          
Fetch      216      1.04       1.05          1      14919        420         
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  
total      914    385.94     384.96         17      16701        572         

Misses in library cache during parse: 177

Oracle fortunately has a optimizer parameter that helps.  We
set optimizer_max_permutations=1000, and the pace picked
up considerably.  ( take *that*, SQL Server )

If that were the only problem, I would have happily moved on to the next
crisis, but alas, that was not to be.

Earlier in the week I discovered that there were 1352 unindexed Foreign Key
constraints in the application schema.  No, that is not a typo. This is in
addition to the 500 or so FK constraints that *are* indexed.

I mentioned that this might be a problem.  Well, it did turn out to be so.

This morning numerous ORA-60 deadlocks were appearing.  The deadlock
graph looks like this:

Deadlock graph:

Resource Name          process session holds waits  process session holds 
TM-00000fb4-00000000        14      33    SX   SSX       22     240    SX   
TM-00000fb4-00000000        22     240    SX   SSX       14      33    SX   
session 33: DID 0001-000E-00000002  session 240: DID 0001-0016-00000002
session 240: DID 0001-0016-00000002 session 33: DID 0001-000E-00000002
Rows waited on:
Session 240: no row
Session 33: no row

SSX locks on a TM (table) indicate that there are likely unindexed FK 
constraints in the database.

Big surprise.  I indexed the few that were causing the immediate problem, and 
am now planning to index the remaining 1349.

This isn't a plea for help, just commiseration.   :)

Now, on to the next crisis.


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