We are running Oracle on an IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version 


Yesterday morning our LISTENER process hung.  “ERROR: ORA-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination”.   We resolved the problem using the following steps: 

a)                               Stop Listener using LSNRCTL utility (this hung – did not succeed in stopping the listener)

b)                               Issue UNIX command kill -9 <process id> to kill the corresponding Listener process. 

c)                               Start the listener using the LSNRCTL utility


I checked the alert log and listener log.  I found nothing in either file pointing to what the problem might have been.  However, I did note that the listener.log file was 200 MB in size.  Would the large size of the listener.log file contribute to the Listener hanging?  This problem has occurred 6 to 8 times in the past couple of weeks.  I do plan on starting a new listener.log file.




Sam Bootsma



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