Hi List,

I have one Oracle Application database ( Version on Sun Sparc Solaris 2.6, instace name CRPHR). I have a table HR_LOCATIONS_ALL in HR schema and there is synonym HR_LOCATIONS_ALL in APPS schema for this table.

I am trying to create a snapshot in other database ( Version 9.2 on Windows 2000) but that is failing with ORA-00980 error. The error is as follows.

create snapshot hr_locations_all

refresh WITH ROWID

as select


< all other columns)...



ERROR at line 117:

ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid


I have dropped and recreated the synonym in APPS schema. But no use. I can create the same snapshot in that same CRPHR database. There is no problem with database link. I was able to create around 60 snapshots but failing only on 2 snapshots.

Has anybody encounered this before ? Any idea ??



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