Don't worry about the fact that it is inefficient,
worry about the fact that it simply doesn't work

Person 2 inserts a row into table ''ApplicationFormCriteria''
but doesn't commit.  The 'pseudo-RI' trigger fires and finds
the parent row in 'ApplicationForm' so the row is deemed

Person 1 deletes the parent row from "ApplicationForm" -
the 'pseudo-RI' trigger fires - and doesn't see the uncommitted
row from the other session (that's the joy of Oracle - massive
lack of interference on uncommitted data - your programmer
may have a Sybase/MSSQL background) so the row deletes

Person 1 commits.

Person 2 commits.



Jonathan Lewis

  The educated person is not the person
  who can answer the questions, but the
  person who can question the answers -- T. Schick Jr

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The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ

----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 01 April 2003 18:48

> Question:
> If some idiot decides to circumvent Oracle's referential integrity
> re-implement it by using triggers (insert, update, delete) that
checks the
> foreign (parent/child) key fields in other tables like this,
> declare numrows INTEGER;
> begin
>     -- ApplicationForm is used if the state and other criteria match
> in
>     -- ApplicationFormCriteria ON PARENT DELETE RESTRICT
>     select count(*) into numrows
>       from ApplicationFormCriteria
>       where
>         ApplicationFormCriteria.applicationFormId =
>     if (numrows > 0)
>     then
>       raise_application_error(
>         -20343,
>         'Database Integrity Violation - Cannot DELETE row in Table
> ''ApplicationForm'' because referencing row exists in table
> ''ApplicationFormCriteria'' for Primary Key (applicationFormId)=' ||
>         :old.applicationFormId
>       );
>     end if;
> end;
> would it cause context switching between the SQL & PL/SQL engines?
> Yes, some genius did this in one of our databases.  Two hundred
> third/fourth normal form tables enforced by 800 triggers...  I have
> registered to be stoned in public.

Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Jonathan Lewis

Fat City Network Services    -- 858-538-5051
San Diego, California        -- Mailing list and web hosting services
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