Title: RE: online index builds resolved (we hope)

Curious me ... how big is the table that gets 'complete turnover of data in 15 minutes' ...??

Rajendra dot Jamadagni at nospamespn dot com
All Views expressed in this email are strictly personal.
QOTD: Any clod can have facts, having an opinion is an art !

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 11:30 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

As we found out last night, the "fix" doesn't fix anything.  The online
index rebuild will still hang indefinitely and lock the table.

Since there is bound to be some inquisitive mind out there wanting know why
we have a nightly online index rebuild: This is on tables that have complete
turnover in their data every 15 minutes .... COOL!  The index sizes grow
approximately five-fold in a day.  The DBA's here didn't write the app, and
during the design phase (using the term very loosely), we told them (in our
best cartoon voice)
Y-O-U-'-L-L  B-E  S-O-R-R-Y
(Actually, it's us that's sorry since we are the ones that have to deal with

We upgraded to because of the show stopping shared pool
fragmentation in  We apparently got rid of one problem and picked
up another one. (SURPRISE!)  I guess I'll have to write some logic in the
script to detect when the index build gets stuck and kill it.  Oracle really
should be begging us to be become a beta test site.  We can screw up a steel

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