Title: Message
Hi all,
I have a database where all tables and indexes have maxextents set to unlimited. Why, in dba_tables, do some tables have a null value for maxetents and some have a value of 2147483645?
An index I just modified (previous value of maxextents was 249) now has a null value for maxextents:

SQL> alter index app_owner.index1 storage (maxextents unlimited);

Index altered.

SQL> select owner, index_name, max_extents from dba_indexes
  2  where owner = 'APP_OWNER' and index_name = 'INDEX1';

OWNER                          INDEX_NAME                     MAX_EXTENTS
------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------
APP_OWNER                       INDEX1


It seems that some of the objects that have maxextents = null are partitioned, but not all. Anybody have an explanation??
- Jerry
Jerry Cunningham
Principal Database Engineer
Enterprise Applications
Office    410.897.3084
Cell      443.994.7359
AIM       cunninghamjerryc

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