there is an in & exists thread on asktom. Generally speaking exists is better if the 
sub-query will have a larger and most costly result set than the outer query. Its the 
other way around for 'in'.

I may have them backward, though I think that is correct. 
> From: Munish Bajaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/06/03 Tue AM 06:59:52 EDT
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: IN or Exists --- performance issue
> Hi Listers
> I have a unique performance problem. As a general rule by oracle while
> writing SQL scripts EXISTS should be used in place of IN. 
> I'm having 2 sql for comparison using IN and EXISTS operators.
> With IN operator
> COUNT(1)
> FROM mam_assets a
> WHERE 1 = 1
> AND a.is_current_version = 1
> AND a."ID" IN (SELECT dmv3.asset_id
> FROM mam_asset_attr_domain_values dmv3
> WHERE dmv3.domain_value_id = 71
> AND dmv3.asset_attribute_xid = 3
> AND dmv3.domain_xid = 7)
> With Exists Operator
> COUNT(1)
> FROM mam_assets a
> WHERE 1 = 1
> AND a.is_current_version = 1
> AND EXISTS (SELECT dmv3.asset_id
> FROM mam_asset_attr_domain_values dmv3
> WHERE a."ID" = dmv3.asset_id
> AND dmv3.domain_value_id = 71
> AND dmv3.asset_attribute_xid = 3
> AND dmv3.domain_xid = 7)
> The Statement having exists is taking more time than the one with IN
> operator. IN operator statement time = 3sec and the Exists operator
> statement time = 12 sec. After analysis I have come to know that the EXISTS
> statement is causing more logical block reads that IN statement, approx 4
> times and hence the delay.
> I have a index on all the predicates mentioned in the where clause. and the
> explain plan shows a index range search.
> Can anyone please help me to reduce these high Logical reads which result
> when I use the EXISTS operator.
> Thanks to all
> Best Regards
> Munish Bajaj

Hi Listers

I have a unique performance problem. As a general rule by oracle while writing SQL scripts EXISTS should be used in place of IN.

I'm having 2 sql for comparison using IN and EXISTS operators.

With IN operator



FROM mam_assets a

WHERE 1 = 1

AND a.is_current_version = 1

AND a."ID" IN (SELECT dmv3.asset_id

FROM mam_asset_attr_domain_values dmv3

WHERE dmv3.domain_value_id = 71

AND dmv3.asset_attribute_xid = 3

AND dmv3.domain_xid = 7)

With Exists Operator



FROM mam_assets a

WHERE 1 = 1

AND a.is_current_version = 1

AND EXISTS (SELECT dmv3.asset_id

FROM mam_asset_attr_domain_values dmv3

WHERE a."ID" = dmv3.asset_id

AND dmv3.domain_value_id = 71

AND dmv3.asset_attribute_xid = 3

AND dmv3.domain_xid = 7)

The Statement having exists is taking more time than the one with IN operator. IN operator statement time = 3sec and the Exists operator statement time = 12 sec. After analysis I have come to know that the EXISTS statement is causing more logical block reads that IN statement, approx 4 times and hence the delay.

I have a index on all the predicates mentioned in the where clause. and the explain plan shows a index range search.

Can anyone please help me to reduce these high Logical reads which result when I use the EXISTS operator.

Thanks to all

Best Regards

Munish Bajaj


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