Your databases actually have to register with your listener on remote machine.
Your databases have to have tnsnames.ora configured with entry for listener location as well and your instances' REMOTE_LISTENER parameter has to specify the tns alias for listener location. That way databases can register themselves with listener and give it all necessary connect information.
I believe that you actually can specify the whole tns address string for remote_listener parameter, like you can do with local_listener...
----- Original Message -----
From: AK
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 10:44 PM
Subject: listener

Is it possible to have listner running on box a  while databases running on X,Y,Z . If yes , then how does oracle instance find the address of the box running the listner , if I configure ini.ora with service_name . Does it mean that local tnsnames.ora file ( on server X,Y,Z) should haave an entry for this service_name .

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