Technically possible, but prpbably not practical.

You have to create several views for each of the users; possible - but may
become unmaintainable. FGAC may be a btter maintanable option, IMHO.

Arup Nanda

----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 2:44 PM

> This is probably too kludgy or simple-minded, or non-maintainable, but is
it technically possible?
>  1) Create a series of views that subset
>     the actual tables, according to the rules
>     you've got about who the viewer is & what
>     year(s) they've selected in the Users table.
>  2) Redefine the public synonyms so that they
>     point to your views rather than the base
>     tables.
> Cheers,
> -Roy
> Roy Pardee
> Programmer/Analyst/DBA
> SWFPAC Lockheed Martin IT
> Extension 8487
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 11:24 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Jack,
> Question - why do you want to use System triggers to change roles? I don't
see how you can define an event for this trigger to be fired. If the event
is the updating of record in USERS table, who updates it? Obviously not the
user himeself; then the whole system becomes insecure to the core.
> Your choice of using a role to allow access to a specific yesr is sound
design. I assume each year is stored in separate tables. If that is not
correct, i.e. the record for all years are stored in a single table, then
roles will not help you, you need to enable FGAC using something called
application context.
> Scenario 1: Each year's data is stored in a seprate table.
> You would create roles, but not normal roles. The roles should be
identified by a procedure. This procedure is owned by SYS or some other
secued schema. Inside this procedure you would assign a value to the
application context attribute called user_role, which is set via
dbms_Session.set_context. All the users are revoked execute priv on
dbms_session; so they will never be able to call this procedure directly.
The only way they can do it is by calling the trusted procedure you have
defined for that role.
> Scenario 2: All the tables have data for all the years.
> Inthis case you will have to use FGAC; but the FGAC policy will have to
depend on the application context you defined earlier. You wil define
another context attribute called school_year, whic is again set by the
trusted procedure of the role. Since the user does not have the privilege to
call dbms_Session, he will not be able to set the value of this attrbute to
any other year at will.
> Summary:
> You will define several roles ideintified by procedure. All these roles
are granted to the user but none is a default role.
> When a user logs in, all roles assigned to him are disabled, since none is
a default role. Then he calls the procedure set_role(), no arguments. Inside
the procedure set_role(), you will read the users table, see the role the
user is supposed to have, enable this role via dbms_Session.set_role and
then set the application context, if any.
> Since the user does not have execute privs on dbms_session, he will not be
able to set the app context.
> Since the role is identified by a procedure, i.e. set_role(), the user
will not be able to set the role himself using "SET ROLE" command in
sql*plus. The only way he can do that is by calling the set_role procedure.
> If the user does not call the procedure, none of the roles are enabled;
therefore he will not be able to do anything.
> In other words, you have a secured system.
> As an added bonus: you will have the application context attribute you can
use any way you want to use. Right now you can use it for FGAC; but later
when you are in 9i, you can use it in other cooler features such as Fine
Grained Auditing.
> HTH.
> Arup Nanda
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 11:59 AM
> Short form of my question:
> How can I enable a Role for a User within a database trigger (owned by
another Schema) on a table owned by yet another Schema?
> - The M's I've RTF'd indicate that a trigger (and any procedure it calls)
can never execute with Invoker's Rights.
> - I can't find a way to execute Set Role for a User as another User, say,
> - I'm stuck.
> - Environment: 8.1.7 on Win2k and HP-UX.
> Longer form of my question:
> I'm in the process of adding extra security features to our 3rd Party
Student Information System, whose code I can't touch.  I've successfully
implemented FGAC to keep Users at a School from accessing other
schools.  Now I need to limit which School Year's data they can update
(Past, Current, Next).  The Application grants Sel, Ins, Upd, Del on its
tables via a Role, so I thought I'd just switch Roles when the User switched
School Years (via updating her record in a Users table).  Seemed like a good
idea, but now I can't see how to implement it.
> SQL and PL/SQL commands like Set Role, Alter Session,
DBMS_Session.Set_Role, etc. only apply to the current User, which would be
the Trigger Owner.  I've used DBMS_System.Set_SQL_Trace_In_Session, but
can't find an equivalent procedure to Set Role for another User.
> BTW, the fact that there's no Invoker_Rights_Clause in the Create Trigger
syntax and a section in the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference (Ch. 7
Subprograms / Invoker Rights vs Definer Rights / Using Views and Database
Triggers) are the basis for my being stuck.
> The only possible way I see to do this is to create the trigger as System,
then use Dynamic SQL to issue the "Alter User ... Default Role ...."
command.  However, I don't know if that takes effect immediately (within the
User's current Session) or would take effect at the User's next login.
Before I spend a bunch of time setting up a test, I thought I'd get some
opinions from this very knowledgeable List.
> Can I do it?  How?
> TIA.
> Jack C. Applewhite
> Database Administrator
> Austin Independent School District
> Austin, Texas
> 512.414.9715 (wk)
> 512.935.5929 (pager)
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> Fat City Network Services    -- 858-538-5051
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