Title: RE: VPN access to 9ias instance behind firewall
How is the "VPN" set up? Is it just a ssh tunnel or is it a real VPN with routing etc..?
1) check whether the url your users type in is directed through proxy. And proxy server isn't aware of this VPN. In this case disable the proxy or make it aware of vpn
2) if no proxy is used, then ask your users just to telnet to the url (for http://site.com they have to telnet site.com 80, and see if they get an error. If not (the telnet seems hanging, type GET / in it and see whether any html is returned). That way you should at least isolate whether the problem is in browser or not)
3) if you are dealing with local ssh tunnels, then you probably have to change your c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts accordingly (if using windows), to set that the site.com where you want to connect, actually points to your own machine ( and ssh directs your connections to the right point from there. I've used this mechanism for several customers support.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:29 PM
Subject: RE: VPN access to 9ias instance behind firewall


When user trys to run our application through a VPN behind the firewall in a url they get an error.  They can use ssh to get to host where I installed the application server but not run the application through their browser.  Anyone deal with this issue before?


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