We have around 120 databases. Most applications have 5 environments (dev, test, integrated test, acceptance, prod) some applications have more. The applications are a mix of home developped and bought application (peoplesoft, harvest, compass,...)
New applications are coming in.
New databases will appear soon with DB2UDB.
All servers are unix/aix, there are 15 production server and around 10 servers for the dev, test, integrated test and  acceptance databases.
All databases are at 8172 except 6-7 databases and planning to go to 9i in 2004. Off course we see the migration like a pain.
We want to reduce the number of databases and instances.
To obtain a significative gain I think we must reduced to around 60 databases.
Anybody has done the task to consolidate on less servers and les databases ?
One way to do it would be to go with
    2 instances of dev
    2 instances of test
    2 instances of integrated test
    2 instances of acceptance
    all prod instances are standalone.
Food for thought
    Oracle version
    naming convention of objects
All feedback is welcome.

Stephane Paquette

Administrateur de bases de donnees

Database Administrator

Standard Life


Tel. (514) 499-7999 poste 7470 et (514) 925-7187



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