Not sure why you would necessarily want the reports server on the database tier... Concurrent managers wake up periodically (like 60 or 90 seconds), query their tables to see if there are any jobs to run... run them if there are and then go back to sleep.  If they are all on the same tier, the throughput is faster, and there is no network overhead.  The more concurrent jobs that you have, the more that this has the potential to become an issue.
Also, the database maintains the status of the concurrent managers (are they up, is it their work shift, are they sleeping...) and if the communication gets off (for example if you shut down the database, then something happens on the CM tier (Windows is good at things weirding out with the CM) to shut down the managers, then bring up the database... the database thinks the managers are up, they aren't, then sometimes when you try to start the managers, they won't because the database thinks they already are... and you have to run CMCLEAN to make the database forget the old status.
WE have our concurrent managers on the apps tier, and are working towards migrating them to the database tier because performance is so horrendous.

April Wells
Oracle DBA/Oracle Apps DBA
Corporate Systems
Amarillo Texas
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Few people really enjoy the simple pleasure of flying a kite
Adam Wells age 11

-----Original Message-----
From: Sultan Syed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 7:11 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Concurrent Manager

Hi ,
In Oracle Apps why concurrent manager and report server
should be in database tier when other application servers
are in application tier.?
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